Lake Nipissing Summit

The Lake Nipissing Summit has been held annually in North Bay, Ontario and it brings together many stakeholders interested in Lake Nipissing. The mission statement for this conference is as follows:

“The Lake Nipissing Summit is a conference-style event designed to create awareness and consensus on the need for shared ownership towards the future of Lake Nipissing. Bringing together all members of the communities surrounding the lake, this event will provide knowledge and background information on the lake and its current status as well as provide a voice for all participants on the major issues of Lake Nipissing. The focus will be on 3 major pillars; social, environmental and economic factors, as we move forward in discussing the future of Lake Nipissing.”
– From the Lake Nipissing Summit website.

More information about this conference and the reports on the annual events can be found at the source. Speakers and their presentations can also be found and obtained there, this only includes those speakers who gave permission for their information to be shared.

Social - Environmental - Economic